Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Kanzius Machine : A new cancer technology

A new cancer technology to bring amazing combat system, invented by John Kanzius, the preparation for the fight against cancer to a whole new level. Dr. Steven Curley of MD Anderson is currently testing this new machine and is confident that this system be able to control cancer throughout the body to fight without side effects. The CBS show 60 Minutes recently aired a documentary about the inventor, physician, machine, and how could this be done.

Here is a brief overview. John Kanzius, retired, a cancer patient and former radio and television executive, emotionally affected by the children he met while undergoing chemotherapy to treat his illness, got in and began night work on a new approach to cancer without the side effects to kill. Soon he had a machine that he was confident that we have developed this job. After some promising studies, she has spent more than $ 200,000 of his own money to produce an improved machine. Experience Kanzius' radio stations with extended all the way back to his childhood, he was aware that the metal can be heated by exposure to electromagnetic fields at high energies. It was also very aware of the safety of radio waves interact with people. His idea and hope that cancer cells could be targeted and addressed by the injection of a metallic solution directly destroyed by cancer. Then would the exposure to harmless radio waves heat the metal and kill cancer. On a hot dog in the skill tested heat will do it. Only the target region was for the rest of the hot dog-exchange remained unchanged.

Today, the University of Pittsburgh and MD Anderson test Kanzius invention. "Can This technology allows us to any type of cancer you can imagine the process." Dr. Steven Curley, "said CBS" 60 Minutes ". The "This technology," said the doctor was also included, which is a good idea ... Kanzius had nano "particles of metal or carbon. Although Kanzius with copper sulfate solution as the injection of metal clever experiment, he felt that NanoSolutions would be better.

As it happened, was Dr. Steven Curley on a day called to check Rick Smalley, Nobel Prize for discovering nanoparticles made from carbon and with John Kanzius, a cancer patient at MD Anderson. The doctor's sure to ask for Smalley some of his Nano-particles. But in disbelief and laughed, Smalley agreed to provide a sample. Once radio waves at high energies is exposed, had come to sample only about 15 seconds to a boil. Smalley has become one of the biggest supporters Kanzius. Unfortunately, he succumbed to cancer shortly after this test. Now the pressure is on to see if John Kanzius, the inventor of this new medical miracle and a man with no medical training, and even have a university degree, can be with this new system. Clinical studies have not yet begun, and there are lots of tests.

Dr. Steven Curley has been a success to destroy cancer when tested in rabbits. At the same time, Dr. David Geller, in Pittsburgh, have been successful experiments with mice and with gold nanoparticles. As for the testing of hot dogs, the heat was accurate and the damage was localized in areas provided. The ultimate goal of this study is to be able to cure all cancer cells throughout the body with no side effects. Dr. Curley is also working on systems that allow target specific delivery of nanoparticles, length, and to select cells, cancer metastases in the body. Being able to recognize, to day, and destroy certain types of cancer cells would mean that an effective treatment against all forms of cancer.

Finally, someone asked John Kanzius, if the machine could be used to the desalination of sea water. So he took a sample of water and salt placed in the machine. Only for hot water, it has fire. Kanzius Machine has managed to burn water. He did the same with added physiological saline solution or tap water with salt. A chemist, proved one of a handful of scientists, the process, explained that the heat release hydrogen from water. Although, with the support and as Kanzius is working day and night in order to improve efficiency, he remains undeterred from its original purpose and is more than happy about the rights of the power of finance to sell his dreams cancer.

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