Thursday, November 5, 2009

Kanzius Cancer Machine is effective against CLL cells

Former broadcast engineer and radio station owner John Kanzius spent his last years at a "Killing Machine cancer to develop. Technical Background Mr. Kanzius' radio, warm with accidental exposure to electromagnetic fields that the coins in his pocket and asked me if the power of radio waves can be used to kill cancer cells. He said he was motivated, something to help the patient to do their fighting cancer cancer after he fell on the floor of cancer in children, a visit to MD Anderson, and experience first hand suffering that cancer inflicts on the young patients.

He was subjected to on a visit to the renowned cancer facility, the treatment for his cancer, chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) to. Although originally thought to kill the cancer properties of radio waves are confined solid tumors, Mr Kanzius could not help wondering if she could cure his own cancer. Unfortunately, he died in February 2009 that preliminary was his invention in progress. He always knew he was a shot from distance, but he retained the hope that he could out of the machine, which he created to benefit.

Meanwhile, the research on the Kanzius invention. Doctors at MD Anderson, which initially were intrigued by the possibilities of marriage with radio waves and nanoparticles, have made progress. The last published May 8, 2009, shows that the Kanzius machine is in fact killing CLL cells.
Reported by David Bruce, published on can not cause harm to the external RF generator to kill CLL cells significantly, while the normal cells, an important finding.

This statement was adopted in December 2008, where cancer cells from 19 CLL patients. However, the results are an indication of tantalizing possibilities of the machine. Dr. Steven Curly MD Anderson, who has been leading the research effort, said the killing of CLL was probably caused by the warming of the cells, the gold nanoparticles attached to a monoclonal antibody that binds to the cell CLL.

So, another step forward. According to the article, the percentage of CLL cells are killed, has not been listed, so I can not judge the effectiveness of treatment, was, I can not on the item, how long the duration of Tell The exposure of RF fields were was used, these antibodies (rituximab as I'm adopting MOAB), or other parameters that would be essential to know.

I have read elsewhere that Theis RF generator cells can heat to 600 degrees or more to kill many hot. Of course, do not express B-CLL cells, the CD20 marker, it seems that the machine may be any cells that could kill the nanoparticles of gold.

Ideally, it is called a "super-work-rituximab," as long as the cell marker CD20 expressed in sufficient quantities, it could be killed by the machine.

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