Sunday, November 8, 2009

Kanzius Machine : Cancer finally something!

It was something that has tickled me for centuries. If we do not create good reason to distinguish cancer cells for destruction, rather than just a contrast in an image? Why one billion different methods was used, it's the same problem?

For the first time I saw the solution. It's called The Kanzius Machine. Whoever it was not invented in medicine based on each level, he worked as an engineer. I may take years before the battle comes out to see something, just because he is not part of the elite. "But it works. Are common to all types of cancer - a feeling they all have the same characteristics - c why we, unlike them in pictures can be ... Is it really worth seeing, because you can see the future. The people of humans in medical research, you will not like, or pharmaceutical companies, but in the end be successful.

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