Sunday, October 25, 2009

What's So "Great" on the Kanzius machine?

It is clear that conventional medicine is leaking inexpensive, non-invasive, all natural, no side effects of cancer treatment, regardless of how much they protest such claims. Actions speak louder than words here.

So, what's on the Kanzius machine that scientists so excited? After all, this is precisely not the first of its kind Similar agreements have been created - a few decades ago in the case - from artists such as Raymond Rife, Dr. Hulda Clark, Dr. Zimmerman and Dr. John Holt.

The main difference is that the nanoparticles Kanzius machine needs to reach his goal, and what even scientists of the 21st Century, attention could be a device that finally put the nanoparticles in each installation of modern treatment would I resist? And at a wholesale price of $ 250 for 20 ml of nanoparticles, this treatment if it works - the side effects be damned - a generator for guaranteed money.

How much money we talking about?

Frankly, I do not know. The margins on medical care and drugs can vary wildly from hospital to hospital, there are many use "proprietary formulas" to their prices, but after a brief overview of the exhibition "Products, 2004 medical billing, it is probably safe to say that the price you pay for the nanoparticles are between 7 to 15 times the wholesale price, at least put 20 ml in the vicinity of $ 1,750 to $ 3,750.

Call me jaded, but the fact that a radio technician in retirement, is without a shred of medical education credit for the finding "a possible answer for cancer, where doctors were rejected and the estimated scientist, imprisoned and deported day to appeal against cancer find alternatives that really work, is so absurd that it was born yesterday to believe that there is no hidden agenda.

The Kanzius machine can create a new expensive cancer treatment. That's why scientists are high-fiving Mr. Kanzius and each other.

Whether or not there will be no dangerous side effects is another story. But I doubt that will light the way to work this technique.

Please note that the only person that this technique to safely and completely without side effects is Mr. Kanzius himself - based on the "test" and put his hand in the field of radio signal and suffering no apparent damage. Please. Someone explain why journalists are not obliged to control thoughts, independent and critical.

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